Another group of student paintings from my Friday Drop-In Watercolor class.
Okay, tulips are beautiful anyway, but last Friday we painted these tulips from a photo reference that I brought of the flowers from my garden. We went step-by-step through the painting in class and the results were really very good.
We glazed with several layers of reds and then we glazed inside the bowl of the tulips with a transparent yellow to add depth to the shadow area and create a separation between the front of the flower and the inside.

As we painted we used whatever pinks and reds we had on our palettes. As you can see the results were similar, but varied. We left the background white to allow the pinks and reds to shine!
A very thin, wet wash of lavender was used on the outside petals of the flowers to again distinguish the inside of the tulip from the outside. The use of opposite colors helps to pull areas of an object apart a little in space to help create the illusion of three dimensional space.
Great job!!!
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