Monday, December 1, 2008

Red Geranium in Watercolor Process

A few posts ago I showed a red geranium painting that I did with my students. I thought it would be fun to show you how that painting was developed.
First, a drawing was done from a photo I took of a geranium in a flower pot in my back yard. I greatly simplified the picture by leaving out the background and only focusing on one stem of petals with corresponding leaves.
After applying the drawing to my watercolor paper I have applied the first wash with Winsor Red, a Winsor Newton color. I used a varied wash with light and dark values to provide a foundation of color on which to layer future glazes. I will post the next stage of this painting soon.
Classes are starting this week, but I am always open to new students anytime. Stop by my website to see the schedule - you can register online! Click here for class information.

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